Source code for CorrectOCR.model

import itertools
import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Sequence

import progressbar

from . import punctuationRE
from ._cache import PickledLRUCache, cached
from .dictionary import Dictionary
from .fileio import FileIO
from .tokens import KBestItem, TokenList

[docs]class HMM(object): log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.HMM') @property def init(self) -> DefaultDict[str, float]: """Initial probabilities.""" return self._init @init.setter def init(self, initial: Dict[str, float]): self._init = defaultdict(float) self._init.update(initial) @property def tran(self) -> DefaultDict[str, DefaultDict[str, float]]: """Transition probabilities.""" return self._tran @tran.setter def tran(self, transition: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]): self._tran = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) for outer, d in transition.items(): for inner, e in d.items(): self._tran[outer][inner] = e @property def emis(self) -> DefaultDict[str, DefaultDict[str, float]]: """Emission probabilities.""" return self._emis @emis.setter def emis(self, emission: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]): self._emis = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) for outer, d in emission.items(): for inner, e in d.items(): self._emis[outer][inner] = e def __init__(self, path: Path, multichars=None, dictionary: Dictionary = None): """ :param path: Path for loading and saving. :param multichars: A dictionary of possible multicharacter substitutions (eg. 'cr': 'æ' or vice versa). :param dictionary: The dictionary against which to check validity. """ if multichars is None: multichars = {} self.multichars = multichars self.dictionary = dictionary self.path = path if self.path:'Loading HMM parameters from {path}') (self.init, self.tran, self.emis) = FileIO.load(path) else: (self.init, self.tran, self.emis) = (None, None, None) self.states = self.init.keys() #HMM.log.debug(f'init: {self.init}') #HMM.log.debug(f'tran: {self.tran}') #HMM.log.debug(f'emis: {self.emis}') HMM.log.debug(f'states: {self.states}') if not self.is_valid(): HMM.log.critical(f'Parameter check failed for {self}') else: HMM.log.debug(f'HMM initialized: {self}') self.cache = PickledLRUCache.by_name(f'{__name__}.HMM.kbest') def __str__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {"".join(sorted(self.states))}>' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def save(self, path: Path = None): """ Save the HMM parameters. :param path: Optional new path to save to. """ if not self.is_valid(): HMM.log.error('Not going to save faulty HMM parameters.') raise SystemExit(-1) path = path or self.path'Saving HMM parameters to {path}')[self.init, self.tran, self.emis], path) self.cache.delete() # redoing the model invalidates the cache
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """ Verify that parameters are valid (ie. the keys in init/tran/emis match). """ all_match = True if set(self.init) != set(self.tran): all_match = False HMM.log.error('Initial keys do not match transition keys.') if set(self.init) != set(self.emis): all_match = False keys = set(self.init).symmetric_difference(set(self.emis)) HMM.log.error( f'Initial keys do not match emission keys:' f' diff: {[k for k in keys]}' f' init: {[self.init.get(k, None) for k in keys]}' f' emis: {[self.emis.get(k, None) for k in keys]}' ) for key in self.tran: if set(self.tran[key]) != set(self.tran): all_match = False HMM.log.error(f'Outer transition keys do not match inner keys: {key}') if all_match:'Parameters match.') return all_match
[docs] def viterbi(self, char_seq: Sequence[str]) -> str: """ TODO :param char_seq: :return: """ # delta[t][j] is probability of max probability path to state j # at time t given the observation sequence up to time t. delta: List[Optional[Dict[str, float]]] = [None] * len(char_seq) back_pointers: List[Optional[Dict[str, float]]] = [None] * len(char_seq) delta[0] = {i: self.init[i] * self.emis[i][char_seq[0]] for i in self.states} for t in range(1, len(char_seq)): # (preceding state with max probability, value of max probability) d = {j: max({i: delta[t-1][i] * self.tran[i][j] for i in self.states}.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) for j in self.states} delta[t] = {i: d[i][1] * self.emis[i][char_seq[t]] for i in self.states} back_pointers[t] = {i: d[i][0] for i in self.states} best_state = max(delta[-1], key=lambda x: delta[-1][x]) selected_states = [best_state] * len(char_seq) for t in range(len(char_seq) - 1, 0, -1): best_state = back_pointers[t][best_state] selected_states[t-1] = best_state return ''.join(selected_states)
def _k_best_beam(self, word: str, k: int) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]: # Single symbol input is just initial * emission. if len(word) == 1: paths = [(i, self.init[i] * self.emis[i][word[0]]) for i in self.states] paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: # Create the N*N sequences for the first two characters # of the word. paths = [((i, j), (self.init[i] * self.emis[i][word[0]] * self.tran[i][j] * self.emis[j][word[1]])) for i in self.states for j in self.states] # Keep the k best sequences. paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:k] # Continue through the input word, only keeping k sequences at # each time step. for t in range(2, len(word)): temp = [(x[0] + (j,), (x[1] * self.tran[x[0][-1]][j] * self.emis[j][word[t]])) for j in self.states for x in paths] paths = sorted(temp, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:k] #print(t, len(temp), temp[:5], len(paths), temp[:5]) return [(''.join(seq), prob) for seq, prob in paths[:k]]
[docs] @cached def kbest_for_word(self, word: str, k: int) -> DefaultDict[int, KBestItem]: """ Generates *k*-best correction candidates for a single word. :param word: The word for which to generate candidates :param k: How many candidates to generate. :return: A dictionary with ranked candidates keyed by 1..*k*. """ #HMM.log.debug(f'kbest_for_word: {word}') if len(word) == 0: return defaultdict(KBestItem, {n: KBestItem('', 0.0) for n in range(1, k+1)}) k_best = self._k_best_beam(word, k) # Check for common multi-character errors. If any are present, # make substitutions and compare probabilties of results. for sub in self.multichars: # Only perform the substitution if none of the k-best candidates are present in the dictionary if sub in word and all(punctuationRE.sub('', x[0]) not in self.dictionary for x in k_best): variant_words = HMM._multichar_variants(word, sub, self.multichars[sub]) for v in variant_words: if v != word: k_best.extend(self._k_best_beam(v, k)) # Keep the k best k_best = sorted(k_best, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:k] return defaultdict(KBestItem, {i: KBestItem(''.join(seq), prob) for (i, (seq, prob)) in enumerate(k_best[:k], 1)})
@classmethod def _multichar_variants(cls, word: str, original: str, replacements: List[str]): variants = [original] + replacements variant_words = set() pieces = re.split(original, word) # Reassemble the word using original or replacements for x in itertools.product(variants, repeat=word.count(original)): variant_words.add(''.join([elem for pair in itertools.zip_longest( pieces, x, fillvalue='') for elem in pair])) return variant_words
[docs] def generate_kbest(self, tokens: TokenList, k: int = 4, force = False): """ Generates *k*-best correction candidates for a list of Tokens and adds them to each token. :param tokens: List of tokens. :param k: How many candidates to generate. """ if len(tokens) == 0: HMM.log.error(f'No tokens were supplied?!') raise SystemExit(-1)'Generating {k}-best suggestions for each token') for i, token in enumerate(progressbar.progressbar(tokens)): if force or not token.kbest: token.kbest = self.kbest_for_word(token.normalized, k) #HMM.log.debug(vars(token)) HMM.log.debug(f'Generated for {len(tokens)} tokens, first 10: {tokens[:10]}')
########################################################################################## # TODO make build class method on HMM instead
[docs]class HMMBuilder(object): log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.HMMBuilder') def __init__(self, dictionary: Dictionary, smoothingParameter: float, characterSet, readCounts, remove_chars: List[str], gold_words: List[str]): """ Calculates parameters for a HMM based on the input. They can be accessed via the three properties. :param dictionary: The dictionary to use for generating probabilities. :param smoothingParameter: Lower bound for probabilities. :param characterSet: Set of required characters for the final HMM. :param readCounts: See :class:`Aligner<CorrectOCR.aligner.Aligner>`. :param remove_chars: List of characters to remove from the final HMM. :param gold_words: List of known correct words. """ self._dictionary = dictionary self._smoothingParameter = smoothingParameter self._remove_chars = remove_chars self._charset = set(characterSet) confusion = self._generate_confusion(readCounts) char_counts = self._text_char_counts(gold_words) self._charset = self._charset | set(char_counts) | set(confusion) HMMBuilder.log.debug(f'Final characterSet: {sorted(self._charset)}') # Create the emission probabilities from the read counts and the character counts emis = self._emission_probabilities(confusion, char_counts) self.emis: DefaultDict[str, float] = emis #: Emission probabilities. # Create the initial and transition probabilities from the gold documents init, tran = self._init_tran_probabilities(gold_words) self.init: DefaultDict[str, float] = init #: Initial probabilities. self.tran: DefaultDict[str, DefaultDict[str, float]] = tran #: Transition probabilities. # Start with read counts, remove any keys which are not single # characters, remove specified characters, and combine into a single # dictionary. def _generate_confusion(self, readCounts: Dict) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]: # Outer keys are the correct characters. Inner keys are the counts of # what each character was read as. confusion = defaultdict(Counter) confusion.update(readCounts) # Strip out any outer keys that aren't a single character confusion = {key: value for key, value in confusion.items() if len(key) == 1} for unwanted in self._remove_chars: if unwanted in confusion: del confusion[unwanted] # Strip out any inner keys that aren't a single character. # Later, these may be useful, for now, remove them. for outer in confusion: wrongsize = [key for key in confusion[outer] if len(key) != 1] for key in wrongsize: del confusion[outer][key] for unwanted in self._remove_chars: if unwanted in confusion[outer]: del confusion[outer][unwanted] #HMMBuilder.log.debug(confusion) return confusion # Get the character counts of the training docs. Used for filling in # gaps in the confusion probabilities. def _text_char_counts(self, words: List[str]) -> Dict[str, int]: char_count = Counter() #HMMBuilder.log.debug(f'words: {words}') for word in words: char_count.update(list(word)) for word in self._dictionary: char_count.update(list(word)) for char in set(char_count.keys()): if char not in self._charset: del char_count[char] for unwanted in self._remove_chars: if unwanted in char_count: del char_count[unwanted] return char_count # Create the emission probabilities using read counts and character # counts. Optionally a file of expected characters can be used to add # expected characters as model states whose emission probabilities are set to # only output themselves. def _emission_probabilities(self, confusion, char_counts): # Add missing dictionary elements. # Missing outer terms are ones which were always read correctly. for char in char_counts: if char not in confusion: confusion[char] = {char: char_counts[char]} # Inner terms are just added with 0 probability. charset = set().union(*[confusion[i].keys() for i in confusion]) for char in confusion: for missing in charset: if missing not in confusion[char]: confusion[char][missing] = 0.0 # Smooth and convert to probabilities. for i in confusion: denom = sum(confusion[i].values()) + (self._smoothingParameter * len(confusion[i])) for j in confusion[i]: confusion[i][j] = (confusion[i][j] + self._smoothingParameter) / denom # Add characters that are expected to occur in the texts. # Get the characters which aren't already present. extra_chars = self._charset - set(self._remove_chars) # Add them as new states. for char in extra_chars: if char not in confusion: confusion[char] = {i: 0 for i in charset} # Add them with 0 probability to every state. for i in confusion: for char in extra_chars: if char not in confusion[i]: confusion[i][char] = 0.0 # Set them to emit themselves for char in extra_chars: confusion[char][char] = 1.0 for outer in set(confusion.keys()): if outer not in self._charset: del confusion[outer] else: for inner in set(confusion[outer].keys()): if inner not in self._charset: del confusion[outer][inner] #logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.emission_probabilities').debug(confusion) return confusion # Create the initial and transition probabilities from the gold # text in the training data. def _init_tran_probabilities(self, gold_words): tran = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) init = defaultdict(int) def add_word(_word): if len(_word) > 0: init[_word[0]] += 1 # Record each occurrence of character pair ij in tran[i][j] for (a, b) in zip(_word[0:], _word[1:]): tran[a][b] += 1 for word in gold_words: add_word(word) for word in self._dictionary: add_word(word) for unwanted in self._remove_chars: if unwanted in self._charset: self._charset.remove(unwanted) if unwanted in init: del init[unwanted] if unwanted in tran: del tran[unwanted] for i in tran: if unwanted in tran[i]: del tran[i][unwanted] tran_out = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) init_out = defaultdict(float) # Add missing characters to the parameter dictionaries and apply smoothing. init_denom = sum(init.values()) + (self._smoothingParameter * len(self._charset)) for i in self._charset: init_out[i] = (init[i] + self._smoothingParameter) / init_denom tran_denom = sum(tran[i].values()) + (self._smoothingParameter * len(self._charset)) for j in self._charset: tran_out[i][j] = (tran[i][j] + self._smoothingParameter) / tran_denom return init_out, tran_out