
When invoked, CorrectOCR looks for a file named CorrectOCR.ini in the working directory. If found, it is loaded, and any entries will be considered defaults to their corresponding option. For example:

characterSet = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

correctedPath = corrected/
goldPath = gold/
originalPath = original/
trainingPath = training/
nheaderlines = 0

correctionTrackingFile = resources/correction_tracking.json
dictionaryFile = resources/dictionary.txt
hmmParamsFile = resources/hmm_parameters.json
memoizedCorrectionsFile = resources/memoized_corrections.json
multiCharacterErrorFile = resources/multicharacter_errors.json
reportFile = resources/report.txt
heuristicSettingsFile = resources/settings.json

type = fs

By default, CorrectOCR requires 4 subdirectories in the working directory, which will be used as the current Workspace:

  • original/ contains the original uncorrected files. If necessary, it can be configured with the --originalPath argument.

  • gold/ contains the known correct “gold” files. If necessary, it can be configured with the --goldPath argument.

  • training/ contains the various generated files used during training. If necessary, it can be configured with the --trainingPath argument.

  • corrected/ contains the corrected files generated by running the correct command. If necessary, it can be configured with the --correctedPath argument.

Corresponding files in original, gold, and corrected are named identically, and the filename without extension is considered the file ID. The generated files in training/ have suffixes according to their kind.

If generated files exist, CorrectOCR will generally avoid doing redundant calculations. The --force switch overrides this, forcing CorrectOCR to create new files (after moving the existing ones out of the way). Alternately, one may delete a subset of the generated files to only recreate those.

The Workspace also has a ResourceManager (accessible in code via .resources) that handles access to the dictionary, HMM parameter files, etc.