Source code for CorrectOCR.correcter

import cmd
import logging
from collections import deque
from typing import List, Iterator, TypeVar, Tuple

from . import punctuationRE
from .tokens import TokenList

To display interactive text your environment must be compatible with the encoding.
For example:
> export LANG=is_IS.UTF-8
> export LC_ALL=is_IS.UTF-8
> locale

T = TypeVar('T')
def _split_window(l: List[T], before=3, after=3) -> Iterator[Tuple[List[T], T, List[T]]]:
	a = deque(maxlen=before)
	for i in range(len(l)):
		yield list(a), l[i], l[i+1:i+1+after]

[docs]class CorrectionShell(cmd.Cmd): """ Interactive shell for making corrections to a list of tokens. Assumes that the tokens are `binned`. """ log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.CorrectionShell') _prompt = 'CorrectOCR> ' def __init__(self, tokens: TokenList, dictionary, correctionTracking: dict): super().__init__() self.token = None self.decision = None self.selection = None self.tokenwindow = _split_window(tokens, before=7, after=7) self.dictionary = dictionary self.metrics = { 'tokenCount': 0, 'humanCount': 0, 'tokenTotal': len(tokens), 'newWords': [], 'correctionTracking': correctionTracking, } self.use_rawinput = True
[docs] @classmethod def start(cls, tokens: TokenList, dictionary, correctionTracking: dict, intro: str = None): """ :param tokens: A list of Tokens. :param dictionary: A dictionary against which to check validity. :param correctionTracking: TODO :param intro: Optional introduction text. """ sh = CorrectionShell(tokens, dictionary, correctionTracking) sh.cmdloop(intro) return sh.metrics
def preloop(self): return self._nexttoken() def _nexttoken(self): try: while True: # do-while loop... ctxl, self.token, ctxr = next(self.tokenwindow) self.metrics['tokenCount'] += 1 if not break if self.token.decision == 'annotator': self.metrics['humanCount'] += 1 # increment human-effort count left = ' '.join([ or c.original for c in ctxr]) right = ' '.join([c.original for c in ctxl]) print(f'\n\n...{left} \033[1;7m{self.token.original}\033[0m {right}...\n') print(f'\nSELECT for {self.token.original} :\n') for k, item in self.token.kbest.items(): inDict = ' * is in dictionary' if item.candidate in self.dictionary else '' print(f'\t{k}. {item.candidate} ({item.probability:.2e}){inDict}\n') self._prompt = f"CorrectOCR {self.metrics['tokenCount']}/{self.metrics['tokenTotal']} ({self.metrics['humanCount']}) > " else: self.cmdqueue.insert(0, f'{self.token.decision} {self.token.selection}') except StopIteration: print('Reached end of tokens, going to quit...') return self.onecmd('quit') def _select(self, word: str, decision: str, save=True): print(f'Selecting {decision} for "{self.token.original}": "{word}"') = word if save: cleanword = punctuationRE.sub('', word) if cleanword not in self.dictionary: self.metrics['newWords'].append(cleanword) # add to suggestions for dictionary review self.dictionary.add(cleanword) # add to current dictionary for subsequent heuristic decisions if f'{self.token.original}\t{cleanword}' not in self.metrics['correctionTracking']: self.metrics['correctionTracking'][f'{self.token.original}\t{cleanword}'] = 0 self.metrics['correctionTracking'][f'{self.token.original}\t{cleanword}'] += 1 return self._nexttoken() def emptyline(self): if self.lastcmd == 'original': return super().emptyline() # repeats by default else: pass # dont repeat other commands
[docs] def do_original(self, _: str): """Choose original (abbreviation: o)""" return self._select(self.token.original, 'original')
[docs] def do_shell(self, arg: str): """Custom input to replace token""" return self._select(arg, 'user input')
[docs] def do_kbest(self, arg: str): """Choose k-best by number (abbreviation: just the number)""" if arg: k = int(arg[0]) else: k = 1 return self._select(self.token.kbest[k].candidate, f'{k}-best')
[docs] def do_kdict(self, arg: str): """Choose k-best which is in dictionary""" return self._select(self.token.kbest[int(arg)], f'k-best from dict')
[docs] def do_memoized(self, arg: str): return self._select(arg, 'memoized correction', save=False)
[docs] def do_error(self, arg: str): CorrectionShell.log.error(f'ERROR: {arg} {self.token}')
[docs] def do_linefeed(self, _: str): return self._select('\n', 'linefeed', save=False)
[docs] def do_defer(self, _: str): """Defer decision for another time.""" print('Deferring decision...') return self._nexttoken()
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def do_quit(self, _: str): return True
def default(self, line: str): if line == 'o': self.cmdqueue.insert(0, 'original') elif line == 'k': self.cmdqueue.insert(0, 'kbest 1') elif line.isnumeric(): self.cmdqueue.insert(0, f'kbest {line}') elif line == 'd': self.cmdqueue.insert(0, 'defer') elif line == 'q': self.cmdqueue.insert(0, 'quit') elif line == 'p': print(self.decision, self.selection, self.token) # for debugging else: CorrectionShell.log.error(f'bad command: "{line}"') return super().default(line)