Source code for CorrectOCR.workspace

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
import urllib
from import MutableMapping
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple

import requests

from ._cache import LRUCache, cached
from .dictionary import Dictionary
from .document import Document
from .fileio import FileIO
from .heuristics import Heuristics
from .model.hmm import HMM

[docs]class LazyDocumentDict(MutableMapping): log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.LazyDocumentDict') def __init__(self, workspace, *args, **kargs): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug('LazyDocumentDict __init__') self.workspace = workspace self._dict = dict(*args, **kargs) def __getitem__(self, key): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug(f'LazyDocumentDict __getitem__ {key}') value = self._dict[key] if isinstance(value, PurePath): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug(f'LazyDocumentDict __getitem__ GENERATING {key}') value = Document( self.workspace, value, self.workspace.root.joinpath(self.workspace.config.originalPath).resolve(), self.workspace.root.joinpath(self.workspace.config.goldPath).resolve(), self.workspace.root.joinpath(self.workspace.config.trainingPath).resolve(), self.workspace.nheaderlines, ) self._dict[key] = value return value def __setitem__(self, key, value): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug(f'LazyDocumentDict __setitem__ {key} {value}') self._dict[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug(f'LazyDocumentDict __delitem__ {key}') return self._dict.__delitem__(key) def __iter__(self): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug('LazyDocumentDict __iter__') return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): LazyDocumentDict.log.debug('LazyDocumentDict __len__') return len(self._dict)
[docs]class Workspace(object): """ The Workspace holds references to :class:`Documents<CorrectOCR.workspace.Document>` and resources used by the various :mod:`commands<CorrectOCR.commands>`. :param workspaceconfig: An object with the following properties: - **nheaderlines** (:class:`int`): The number of header lines in corpus texts. - **language**: A language instance from `pycountry <>`. - **originalPath** (:class:`Path<pathlib.Path>`): Directory containing the original docs. - **goldPath** (:class:`Path<pathlib.Path>`): Directory containing the gold (if any) docs. - **trainingPath** (:class:`Path<pathlib.Path>`): Directory for storing intermediate docs. - **docInfoBaseURL** (:class:`str`): Base URL that when appended with a doc_id provides information about documents. :param resourceconfig: Passed directly to :class:`ResourceManager<CorrectOCR.workspace.ResourceManager>`, see this for further info. :param storageconfig: TODO """ log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.Workspace') def __init__(self, workspaceconfig, resourceconfig, storageconfig): self.config = workspaceconfig self.storageconfig = storageconfig self.root = self.config.rootPath.resolve() FileIO.cacheRoot = self.root.joinpath('__COCRCache__') self.storageconfig.trainingPath = self.root.joinpath(self.config.trainingPath) # hacky... self._originalPath = self.root.joinpath(self.config.originalPath)'Workspace configuration:\n{pformat(vars(self.config))} at {self.root}')'Storage configuration:\n{pformat(vars(self.storageconfig))}') self.nheaderlines: int = self.config.nheaderlines self.docInfoBaseURL: int = self.config.docInfoBaseURL self.resources = ResourceManager(self.root, resourceconfig) Dict[str, Document] = LazyDocumentDict(self)'Adding documents from: {self._originalPath}') for file in self._originalPath.iterdir(): if in {'.DS_Store'}: continue self.add_doc(file)'Workspace documents: {len(}') self.cache = LRUCache(maxsize=1000)
[docs] def add_doc(self, doc: Any) -> str: """ Initializes a new :class:`Document<CorrectOCR.workspace.Document>` and adds it to the workspace. The doc_id of the document will be determined by its filename. If the file is not in the originalPath, it will be copied or downloaded there. :param doc: A path or URL. """ self.log.debug(f'Preparing to add {doc}') if isinstance(doc, PurePath): if doc.parent != self._originalPath: FileIO.copy(doc, self._originalPath) elif isinstance(doc, str) and doc[:4] == 'http': url = urllib.parse.urlparse(doc) new_doc_file = self._originalPath.joinpath(Path(url.path).name) r = requests.get(url.geturl()) if r.status_code == 200: new_doc_file = new_doc_file.with_suffix('.pdf') # TODO mimetype => suffix with open(new_doc_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) else: self.log.error(f'Unable to save file: {r}') doc = new_doc_file else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot add doc from reference of unknown type: {type(doc)} {doc}') docid = Document.get_id(doc)[docid] = doc Workspace.log.debug(f'Added {docid}: {doc}') return docid
[docs] def documents(self, ext: str=None, server_ready=False, is_done=False) -> List[str]: """ Yields documents filtered by the given criteria. :param: ext Only include docs with this extension. :param: server_ready Only include documents that are ready (prepared). :param: is_done Only include documents that are done (all tokens have gold). """ docs = dict() for docid, doc in if ext and doc.ext != ext: continue if server_ready and not doc.server_ready: continue if is_done and not doc.is_done: continue docs[docid] = doc return docs
[docs] def cleanup(self, dryrun=True, full=False): """ Cleans out the backup files in the ``trainingPath``. :param dryrun: Just lists the files without actually deleting them :param full: Also deletes the current files (ie. those without .nnn. in their suffix). """ is_backup = re.compile(r'^\.\d\d\d$') for file in self._trainingPath.iterdir(): if[0] == '.': continue #self.log.debug(f'file: {file}') if full or is_backup.match(file.suffixes[-2]):'Deleting {file}') if not dryrun: FileIO.delete(file)
@cached def _cached_page_image(self, docid: str, page: int): Workspace.log.debug(f'_cached_page_image: {docid} page {page}') import fitz doc =[docid].originalFile)) _page = doc[page] img_info = _page.getImageList()[0] xref = img_info[0] pix = fitz.Pixmap(doc, xref) return xref, _page.rect, pix
[docs]class CorpusFile(object): """ Simple wrapper for text files to manage a number of lines as a separate header. """ log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.CorpusFile') def __init__(self, path: Path, nheaderlines: int = 0): """ :param path: Path to text file. :param nheaderlines: Number of lines from beginning to separate out as header. """ self.path = path self.nheaderlines = nheaderlines if self.path.is_file(): lines = FileIO.load(self.path).split('\n') (self.header, self.body) = ( str.join('', lines[:self.nheaderlines-1]), str.join('', lines[nheaderlines:]) ) else: (self.header, self.body) = ('', '')
[docs] def save(self): """ Concatenate header and body and save. """ if not self.header or self.header.strip() == '': self.header = '' elif self.header[-1] != '\n': self.header += '\n''Saving file to {self.path}') + self.body, self.path)
[docs] def is_file(self) -> bool: """ :return: Does the file exist? See :meth:`pathlib.Path.is_file`. """ return self.path.is_file()
@property def id(self): return self.path.stem
[docs]class JSONResource(dict): """ Simple wrapper for JSON files. """ log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.JSONResource') def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """ :param path: Path to load from. :param kwargs: TODO """ super().__init__(**kwargs)'Loading {path}') self._path = path data = FileIO.load(self._path, default=dict()) if data: self.update(data)
[docs] def save(self): """ Save to JSON file. """, self._path)
def __repr__(self): return f'<JSONResource {self._path}: {dict(self)}>'
[docs]class ResourceManager(object): """ Helper for the Workspace to manage various resources. """ log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.ResourceManager') def __init__(self, root: Path, config): """ :param root: Path to resources directory. :param config: An object with the following properties: - **correctionTrackingFile** (:class:`Path<pathlib.Path>`): Path to file containing correction tracking. - TODO """ self.root = root.joinpath(config.resourceRootPath).resolve()'ResourceManager configuration:\n{pformat(vars(config))} at {self.root}') self.correctionTracking = JSONResource(self.root.joinpath(config.correctionTrackingFile).resolve()) self.memoizedCorrections = JSONResource(self.root.joinpath(config.memoizedCorrectionsFile).resolve()) self.multiCharacterError = JSONResource(self.root.joinpath(config.multiCharacterErrorFile).resolve()) self.dictionary = Dictionary(self.root.joinpath(config.dictionaryPath).resolve(), config.ignoreCase) self.hmm = HMM(self.root.joinpath(config.hmmParamsFile).resolve(), self.multiCharacterError) self.reportFile = self.root.joinpath(config.reportFile).resolve() self.heuristics = Heuristics(JSONResource(self.root.joinpath(config.heuristicSettingsFile).resolve()), self.dictionary)