Source code for CorrectOCR.tokens.list._super

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import collections
import logging
import random
from typing import Tuple

import progressbar

from ..._util import hyphenRE

[docs]class TokenList( log = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.TokenList') _subclasses = dict()
[docs] @staticmethod def register(storagetype: str): """ Decorator which registers a :class:`TokenList` subclass with the base class. :param storagetype: `fs` or `db` """ def wrapper(cls): TokenList._subclasses[storagetype] = cls return cls return wrapper
[docs] @staticmethod def new(config, docid = None, tokens = None) -> TokenList: if tokens: return TokenList.for_type(config.type)(config, docid=docid, tokens=tokens) else: return TokenList.for_type(config.type)(config, docid=docid)
[docs] @staticmethod def for_type(type: str) -> TokenList.__class__: TokenList.log.debug(f'_subclasses: {TokenList._subclasses}') if type not in TokenList._subclasses: raise NameError(f'Unknown storage type: {type}') return TokenList._subclasses[type]
def __init__(self, config, docid = None, tokens = None): if type(self) is TokenList: raise TypeError('Token base class cannot not be directly instantiated') self.config = config self.docid = docid if tokens: self.tokens = tokens else: self.tokens = list() TokenList.log.debug(f'init: {self.config} {self.docid}') def __str__(self): output = [] ts = iter(self) for t in ts: #TokenList.log.debug(f't: {t}') output.append( or t.original) #TokenList.log.debug(f'output: {output}') if t.is_hyphenated: n = next(ts) #TokenList.log.debug(f'n: {n}') output[-1] = output[-1][:-1] + ( or n.original) #TokenList.log.debug(f'output: {output}') return str.join(' ', output) def __len__(self): return len(self.tokens) def __delitem__(self, key): return self.tokens.__delitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.tokens.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def insert(self, key, value): return self.tokens.insert(key, value)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.tokens.__getitem__(key)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def save(self, token: 'Token' = None): pass
[docs] def preload(self): pass
[docs] def flush(self): pass
@property def stats(self): stats = collections.defaultdict(int) skip_next = False for token in self: stats['index_count'] += 1 if skip_next: skip_next = False continue if token.is_discarded: stats['discarded_count'] += 1 continue stats['token_count'] += 1 if token.is_hyphenated: stats['hyphenated_count'] += 1 skip_next = True if token.has_error: stats['error_count'] += 1 elif is None: stats['uncorrected_count'] += 1 else: stats['corrected_count'] += 1 if token.heuristic == 'annotator': stats['corrected_by_annotator_count'] += 1 else: stats['corrected_by_model_count'] += 1 if == '': stats['empty_gold'] += 1 TokenList.validate_stats(self.docid, stats) return stats
[docs] @classmethod def validate_stats(cls, docid, stats): for key in ('index_count', 'token_count'): if key not in stats: cls.log.warn(f'key {key} missing in stats {stats} for doc {docid}') if stats['token_count'] + stats['discarded_count'] + stats['hyphenated_count'] != stats['index_count']: cls.log.error(f'index counts do not match for stats {stats} for doc {docid}') if stats['corrected_by_annotator_count'] + stats['corrected_by_model_count'] != stats['corrected_count']: cls.log.error(f'correction counts do not match for stats {stats} for doc {docid}') if stats['uncorrected_count'] + stats['corrected_count'] != stats['token_count']: cls.log.error(f'correction counts do not match for stats {stats} for doc {docid}') if stats['error_count'] > 0: cls.log.error(f"there are {stats['error_count']} errors in doc {docid}") if stats['token_count'] > 0 and stats['corrected_count'] == stats['token_count'] and stats['error_count'] == 0:'Marking as done: doc {docid}') stats['done'] = True else: stats['done'] = False
@property def consolidated(self) -> Tuple[str, str, Token]: """ A consolidated iterator of tokens, where discarded tokens are skipped, and hyphenated original/gold are included. :returns original, gold, token """ tokens = iter(self) for token in tokens: if token.is_discarded: continue original = token.original gold = if token.is_hyphenated: n = next(tokens) original += n.original if gold: gold += yield original, gold, token @property def server_ready(self): return all(t.heuristic is not None and not t.is_discarded for t in self.tokens)
[docs] def random_token_index(self, has_gold=False, is_discarded=False): return self.random_token(has_gold, is_discarded).index
[docs] def random_token(self, has_gold=False, is_discarded=False): filtered_tokens = filter(lambda t: t.is_discarded == is_discarded, self.tokens) if has_gold: filtered_tokens = filter(lambda t: and != '', filtered_tokens) filtered_tokens = list(filtered_tokens) if len(filtered_tokens) == 0: return None else: return random.choice(filtered_tokens)
@property def overview(self): """ Generator that returns an fast overview of the TokenList. Each item is a dictionary containing the following keys: - ``doc_id``: The document - ``doc_index``: The Token's placement in the document - ``string``: TODO - ``is_corrected``: Whether the Token has a set gold property - ``is_discarded``: Whether the Token is marked as discarded """ for token in self.tokens: yield { 'doc_id': token.docid, 'doc_index': token.index, 'string': ( or token.original), 'is_corrected': ( is not None), 'is_discarded': token.is_discarded, 'has_error': token.has_error, 'requires_annotator': (token.heuristic == 'annotator'), 'last_modified': token.last_modified, } @property def last_modified(self): return max(t.last_modified for t in self.tokens if t.last_modified)
[docs] def dehyphenate(self): TokenList.log.debug(f'Going to dehyphenate {len(self.tokens)} tokens') count = 0 tokens = iter(self) for token in progressbar.progressbar(tokens, max_value=len(self.tokens)): if try: token.is_hyphenated = True next(tokens).gold = '' count += 1 except StopIteration: TokenList.log.warning(f'Final token appears to end in a hyphen. Will ignore! {token}') TokenList.log.debug(f'Dehyphenated {count} tokens')